Tag: Cherry

Jewelry Box Header
Jewelry Box Header

Kaylin and I recently had our 5 year anniversary, and I made her a jewelry box to celebrate. It’s a pretty special box and turned out great!

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Frame Batch 3 Header
Frame Batch 3 Header

A batch of frames, including a frame for a print we bought in Kauai for Virginia, and an old print from a family trip we took out west in 2005.

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Small Kitchen Organization Header
Small Kitchen Organization Header

A couple of small projects to help organize the kitchen. We’ve got a shelf that adds additional mug storage capacity, and a little rack for storing attachments for the stand mixer.

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Pizza Peel Header
Pizza Peel Header

Kaylin and I have been getting more into making our own pizza since quarantine started. We started getting better results when we switched from store bought to homemade dough. We’ve been baking the pizzas on cooking trays, which I suspected was holding us back. They simply insulate too much to develop a good and crispy crust.

And so we purchased a pizza stone. The process of using a pizza stone involves letting it heat up in the oven for a while, which means you need some way to transfer the raw floppy pizza to the stone. What you need is a pizza peel, which is basically just spatula big enough for a pizza. You prepare your pizza on the pizza peel, then shimmy it from the pizza peel to the pizza stone in the oven. When baking is complete, you again use the pizza peel to retrieve the pizza from the stone.

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Refinish Wine Cabinet Header
Refinish Wine Cabinet Header

Refinished a wine cabinets my parents didn’t want anymore. Sanded through the previous finish, except in some hard to reach places. Refinished with a gel stain trying to match the previous color, then Arm-R-Seal satin.

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End Tables Header
End Tables Header

Writing this in spring of 2023. During the spring of 2017 Kaylin and I were looking for houses. I was realizing we were way short of furniture for the house, and channeled some boredom into making some bedside end tables.

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