Live Edge Bar Header
Live Edge Bar Header

I did a commission! Well sort of. My friend asked if I was interested in making a bar for his apartment, and I agreed to do it for basically the cost of materials. We worked together on the design and went back and forth with a couple iterations.

Once we got close, I modeled it in Fusion 360 to check the proportions:

Mockup Render Iso Top Left
Mockup Render Iso Top Left

Overall it was a fun and pretty straight forward build, and it looks great in his apartment.

Some notes:

  • The wood is maple. The top slab is 8/4 from a tree that fell, and which I had sawed into boards. I bought the remaining 4/4 S2S to minimize the milling.
  • The legs are steel with black powder coat I bought from etsy. I think they were on the order of $200 shipped.
  • The shelves connect to the legs with thread bolts into taped holes. The metal was fairly thin gauge. I worried there wouldn’t be enough threads to form a strong connection, but after it came together it felt plenty strong.
  • The wine racks mortise into the top slab and bottom shelf to increase stiffness. Similarly, the legs mortise into the top slab.
  • The bottom shelf has a bib to reduce deflection under the weight of many bottles.
